About Ringo: Zunane Ringo, more commonly known as Ringo, is a voicebank for the popular vocal synthesizer software UTAU. She is based on an apple and her signature item is apple juice! Ringo is voiced by the creator of this website, AKA me :)
Japanese CVC voicebank: link!.
English VCCV voicebank: this isnt a download link yet :(.
Zunane Ringo official art:
It is a program where you make little characters sing anything you want!
Yes, but it is kinda difficult and time consuming, but you can find easy tutorials on YouTube! (I HIGHLY reccomend it, especially if you're a beginner.)
Despite Ringo's short hair and masculine-sounding name, she is a girl!
Hopefully soon, her english voicebank is still being recorded. But I will put it up for download soon, so stay tuned!